This is an Skyblock Agreement between @Loowaa , @DTM06797 and @_TiMiK_ DTM06797 and _Timik_ will place 100k skyblock levels on Loowaa's island before 30 april 2021, starting at 69 000 levels means it will end up at 169 000+ island levels. Loowaa will supply 579 shulkers with iron at X:22 Y:116 Z:-608 in 11 dchests that DTM06797 and _Timik_ will use when placing to keep track on how much they placed since I Loowaa will place some myself also. If DTM06797 and _Timik_ succeed to place 100k levels before season ends, Loowaa will give DTM06797 his skyblock kits every month(31 spawner keys and 3 star keys), latest 5 days after kits refresh for next skyblock season (season 10, 1 may - 31 august 2021) If they fail, no kits will be given away by Loowaa. Loowaa will have 2 alts afking on _Timik_'s island for the rest of the season 9 and supply 3 alts for season10 that will be online afking on DMT06797's island on their demand aslong as they are needed by DMT06797 for the whole season10. If alts go offline, they will be reconnected within 48hours and DTM06797 & _Timik_ understand that if a disaster happen(Electricy disaper, Russian attack Sweden, USA blow the world up, Server being offline etc), alts will be offline untill I can connect them again and they cannot file a complain if Loowaa can prove it wasnt his fault alts been offline for more then 48 hours. Loowaa will also give _Timik_ 3 Iron golem spawners within 5 days after this contract being approved. _Timik_ will not be allowed to go over 100 000 island levels this season (season 9) by taking the 3 free Iron Golems. If _Timik_ go over 100k levels it will lead to a 50mil debt to Loowaa that needs to be paid before 1 september 2021 by _Timik_ , and this contract will be void for everyone involved even if 100k levels is placed on Loowaas island. DTM06797 and _Timik_ are not allowed to steal anything from Loowaas island(blocks, spawners etc) and only place the provided blocks, and not invite any other member to the island. Breaking this will lead to a 50mil debt that needs to be paid latest 1 september 2021 to Loowaa by both DTM06797 and _Timik_ If Loowaa fails to give the kits away at season 10, it will give DTM06797 and _Timik_ the right to file a user complaint on Loowaa.", a 25mil debt will be needed to be paid latest 1 september 2021 to both DTM06797 and _Timik_ I Loowaa agree to the above