Minecraft Name: Gluupor Suggestion: adding mob stacking plugin to combat lag Reason: being able to increase mob limits again Any Other Information: configure so that theres a reasonable stack size (for different color sheep for example; maybe exempt some mobs from being stacked for example villagers) Link To This Plugin/Is this a custom addition?: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/stackmob.29999/
Marking suggestion as in progress. We are already looking into this plugin, only thing holding us back is the fact we need to rip apart the code and make quite a few changes to have it work exactly how we want it, as well as fix/optimize a few things that we dislike. We almost never add public plugins flat out to ECC. This is quite bad practice when running a server, yet many people sadly do this ending up with absolute reliance on outside development for nearly every situation that may occur, as well as what usually is bloated non sense inside the plugin itself. Nearly each and every single plugin currently on ECC has our code in it in one way or another. Many in very major ways. Give us anywhere from 24 hours to 7 days and we’ll have it done. All depends on our workload.
This is why you don’t just slap public plugins from spigot onto a server lmao God bless the kids who do that. With all that done, time to give it a few runs on our test box and see how we like it
This is why I support our server, our dev team, and our staff. I know that there can be a lot of whining, crying and boohooing b/c of how long things take sometimes, but they have proven over and over again that in the long run, the attention to detail and time spent to custom our plugins does pay off for all of us long term. I am in no way saying they are perfect (except "no more perma" andrew ) and also that not every decision will make every player happy.
Mob stacking has been implemented. https://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/skyblock-updates-mobs-chestshops-more.176248/