Minecraft Username: Lurxolt Brief Description: I made SunPrince the leader of my island and now our island is shown two times in the leaderboards. Once with me as a leader and the stats we had when transferring the island and once with SunPrince as a current leader and actual statistics. This means an island with multiple members can get an entry in the leaderboards for each member atleast once. Instructions: 1. Play SB with someone or multiple people in a team. 2. Transfer your island to a team member via /Is makeleader <name> 3. Look at the leaderboards. Your island is now enlisted twice under different leadership. 4. Repeat this with other members to get even more entries. How many times did you recreate this?: I recreated this once as I didn't want to mess with the leaderboards more. Also I've been waiting 13 hours to see if it will update the leaderboard on its own and delete the island under my leadership from the list, but it didn't. Result: My/SunPrince's island is now enlisted twice on the leaderboard. Once with me as the leader and older stats and once with new/actual leadership of SunPrince and our current stats. People could abuse this if they just add new members to their island and transfer the leadership multiple times to fill up the leaderboard with their team member's 'islands'. Expected Result: The island should just be shown once in the leaderboards. It should update the island's entry not add a new one under other leadership. Evidence: https://skyblock.ecocitycraft.com/index.php Stats at the time of this report being posted: #25 Leader: SunPrince, Team: SunPrince, Lurxolt #31 Leader: Lurxolt, Team: Lurxolt, SunPrince If we now would change our team by adding or removing more players or if SunPrince were to remove me from the island, it wouldnt be so obvious anymore that it's the same island, right? We could get multiple, much more different entries in the leaderboards by alternating the team members and transferring leadership multiple times. I heard there are prizes given out when this SkyBlock period ends. Could this become a real problem? For example: Let's say, SunPrince would remove me from the team and add Red_Pandaz_13, then there would be an island under SunPrince's leadership with just Red_Pandaz_13 as a member. Now it looks like two completely different islands. Imagine someone at the top of the leaderboard doing this. They could fill a lot of entries just with one island, but make it look like different ones by adding and removing different team members multiple times. Maybe I'm axaggerating here, but I'm not too familiar with the concept of SB or the leaderboards, but thought I'd get this bug/exploit reported in case it could cause problems