Brief Description: Well. Its an island challenge that says use the 10 different note block instruments to make a tune. However we have a limit of 5 for an island. Instructions: Try to place 10 note blocks. cry when you realize the limit makes doing the challenge not possible. How many times did you recreate this?: I can create it endless times if you want lol Result: Limit prevents placing more than 5 but challenge calls for 10. Expected Result: To at least be able to do the challenge without running into a limit. Evidence:
@Gluupor what do you recommend we do in this scenario? Lower the challenge requirements? @JamieSinn are you planning to instead increase the block limits anytime soon? You can track your report here until we come up with a solution:
@andrewkm well preferrable would be to change the block limit but if thats not an option we can ultimately change the challenge
@pokeball92870 please evaluate this ticket: and update the wiki accordingly. Jamie made a comment mentioning you in the comment section of the ticket.