I have been getting problems with loading my profile picture and the main EcoCityCraft logo on the top of any page. Also while I was doing staff requests and was unable to lock the threads after replying to them. It returned a server did not respond message after about 40 seconds of loading. I am using Chrome. If any staff can reproduce the error message when trying to lock threads please reply.
ok, I will start using firefox and see if the problems persist. The issue with the logo seems to have fixed itself. I've also just recently been having issues with the reply box appearing and the thread tools dropdown menu from appearing. Using chrome I had an issue with the 'insert/edit image' box appearing, so I had to copy/paste my written message from chrome into firefox to complete this message with uploaded pictures. Those 3 images above were taken from chrome. However when I first logged into ecc from firefox, the main logo had it's issue again as well as my profile picture. This last picture (4th) was taken from firefox. I had just installed firefox on my computer to post this message so it's a clean install, newest version.