Minecraft Username: Empress_Cixi Brief Description: When using tree feller on the giant mushrooms with a silk touch axe, it produces just the little mushrooms themselves, and not the blocks. Instructions: Use tree feller on a giant mushroom with a silk touch axe, the mushroom will come down in pieces instead of the giant mushroom blocks, that appear when normally using a silk touch on a giant mushroom. How many times did you recreate this bug?: 10+ in addition to other people trying it such as @oootopia and @GeorgiaMC Result: Drops the little mushrooms instead of the giant mushroom blocks. Expected Result: The result that should be happening would be like when using it on a tree, the blocks themselves drop down, not the little mushroom pieces. Evidence: @oootopia , @YourDearKing , @Imabankthing @GeorgiaMC all tried this, and witnessed it
I think that when I last tested this, silk touch affected the block the tool was aimed at (i.e., it dropped one mushroom block and many mushrooms), I am not sure whether tree feller is supposed to care for silk touch at all. Using it on normal trees doesn't drop leaf blocks, either.