I was bored so I rented a Melon Sword. These were the events that followed... I... went to the town I always farm in, found out that my computer lagged too much, made a bit of cash, died, almost cried when I thought I was going to get banned, found the melon sword again, almost died IRL from relief, found out that I didn't make enough to pay it back, took out a loan, gave the Melon Sword back, and payed the 6k. Now I just have to pay the 4k loan back... Was it really worth it? no. Please share your stories below... I hope others will think twice before renting out a melon sword! *Please remember* I had a mildly slow computer and I was farming in a large farm. Plus I only had 1 fps at most times!
...you have a loan now? -_- Only rent something out if you already have enough to pay for it... And 1fps is WAY too risky. This is why I tell you to never rent/take out loans etc
Renting melon swords and eff7s is just dumb. For the owner of the tool, you risk losing it. For the renter, if you lose it you are likely done on ECC. It just isn't worth the risk for anyone.
Yeah well I learnt my lesson all you guys. I will never rent out one of those again. But it did make for an interesting day?
I remember breaking voiD_yO 's melon sword and had to pay him back 60-70$ in giftcards. That was rough.
I remember that too I also remember renting out 2 different swords and losing them both. 5k/hour for a 500k tool is just pointless. Fun times. I also wasn't a supermod so I couldn't sort it out myself.. Renting be bad 4 u