Am i the only one who finds it harder and harder to sell plots? It's either just a low demand for land or I'm doing this wrong and I'm sure some other people out there are having the same issue. So I'm going public and asking the community of Mayors+ to share what has gone good for their town(s) and bad for their town(s). Any help is greatly appreciated.
I sell 10x10 plots for $900 instead of 1k so builders buy plots more often. Also I do this in my advertisement ~<>~ (Advertisment message here) ~<>~
Luck. About half the plot owners in my town are all related to each other. I sold one to one of them and he told all his brothers and cousins to join too. Otherwise I would suggest lowering your prices and advertising your town more often and include the town features and such in the ads
It's because more people are getting towns than active builders joining. I really just wait for someone else to ask for a plot. Then again, I haven't sold many plots.
I've sold plenty of plots. Trick is to get them attached to you. Once they see you as a friend they usually buy plots from you. Another way I get people to buy plots from me is through donation feature selling. Allow me to explain. Normally I sell ereps and do tps for people as well as water. Normally when I do these features it's in the town they live in. I then ask them about the town. If i'm doing water placements for that player I then explain to them that if they lived in my town they would receive free water placements. Same goes for erepairs and all of my other donation features. In short, it's all about connections and salesmanship as well as throwing in advertisements while on the job.
One method I used was to put an ad in trade whenever someone said in global or spawn local they needed a plot. Sold plots a good bit. Now I'm just making a town really really nice, so I enjoy building it, rather than profit.
I have an organization move into my town, they help "newbies" start to get the swing of things, so they buy plots in my town. Plus they like our giant statues^^ i'd suggest make your town declarative
Apartments are unpopular amongst builders as they'll want to create their own house. But oddly enough, back when I focused on selling apartments, at one point I had no room left for others, so I had to wait for inactive people. I had about 20 apartments filled each with 1-2 people. How did I do this? 1) Watch trade chat frequently People who look for a place to live in trade are willing to pay anything for one. If you PM each buyer, they'll likely be interested. But be fast, because if someone gets to them first, you're out of the question. 2) No weekly payments Builders don't want to have to pay more every so often to keep their home, as they can easily move on to the next town that doesn't. Cut weekly payments from your plan and you'll see many more people flock to your town. 3) Dirt Cheap Towns aren't the best way of making money, so if your focus is on the population and not the income, you'll want to make it cheap. My apartments are a mere $750. A great way for profit isn't from selling the plots, it's sadly from LWCs. I hate doing LWCs, because I grow attached to the residents of my town. Whenever I get their stuff, I think, "Maybe I should save this, in case they get back on." No one has ever gotten back on after I LWC their belongings. I've found some very valuable loot, even 7 stacks of Nether Stars.