I don't know how it's done, all I know is that Mista_J is abusing it and should be asked for an explanation to how it's done... http://imgur.com/HAXknS2,Kn5XtYo,PI...4K6Bn,8jjvpqb,O2MgQK6,abbLHD7,k2S6U5Q,VpniDu1 He's abusing a glitch (without reporting it...), and he's the one to be asked how it's done.
Saw a similar case a while ago and even experienced it myself already... when I saw somebody beneath our starting positions, i was surprised that I was able to hit the player before game start and in grace period. Just as a side note. And when it happened to me I didn't want to take any risk (Good items on me) and typed /sg join instead (The usual fix) of coming near other players .
If there are 4 people in an SG, and 2 players are in face to face combat, and kill each other at the exact same time, one of them will go into this glitch. In this screen shot, Mista played the previous game, and is in the glitch.
I experienced it once when we came to DM, I killed one player and the other instantly died due to fire damage.
I do know how this happens, have seen it a few times in the past month. Saw it more as staff however.
From my time playing SG, I can say that this glitch still occurs, and occurs solely as a result of when 4 or less people are remaining in a SG game and 2 people kill each other at the same time - for example 2 people killing each other in sword vs sword combat, which is rare but quite possible given the short durations between hits during PvP. The number is 4 or less because at 3 or less players, the players get force teleported back to the center platforms for DM. Thus when 2 players die at the same time, the supposedly eliminated players get TP'd back into the deathmatch spots in the arena, also instead with their items they held in the main world. Furthermore if they get killed again while glitched they just respawn back in the center of the arena from what I've seen. To fix the issue, they are usually told to type /sg join to return to the rising world SG boards without losing items. Otherwise if they are still in the arena after the game ends, they will still be in there when a new game starts (as seen in the original post), free to roam around, but they won't be considered one of the sg players by the system. I'm pretty sure the root of this glitch lies in the teleportation at DM; if that was fixed, this bug would be fixed too. Maybe make it wait a couple seconds before people get TP'd into deathmatch or something else.
This may no longer be the case but i know that before i was banned you could when put in this position break blocks in sg and take them out with you. this is a big deal because of the very hard to get blocks in sg's ie skulls
When this happened to me about 1.5 months ago, I couldn't do that. At that point the region permissions worked fine. (I assume this happened to you before that?)
I remember occurrences within the past month. Haven't been sg'ing much, but it was definitely a problem.
It still is a problem, me and Diamond396 killed each other in SG2 yesterday. It was dmatch, and there was me, diamond396, and diamonddesire. The outcome was me and diamond396 killed each other in sword to sword combat, and diamonddesire got tp'd out, got the win, and me and diamond396 were stuck in SG2, running around with all of our gear we had in our inventorys, greeted with matrix_rep trying to kill us with a bow lol... Anyways yes, this still works and is fixed by a simple /sg join, which will take you to the lobby. But i have tested and found out that say you kill each other, and you had a msword in ur invent before u went in sg, and both got glitched in. You'd have your melon sword, and have the potential to lose it unless you do /sg join, the players in the arena can hit you, but you cannot hit them, unless its the other glitched in person. You can also give other people stuff in your inventory before the game starts/after the game starts. I tested this with a diamondsword that i had in my inventory, and it worked. Hope this helps
@Ladyvamptress, someone else, and I were all playing in SG I killed the new user and it ended the game. However, we both were tele;ported back into the match and had our fill inventory. (All of our armor, pickaxes, and whatever was in our inventory before we joined the game entered the game. I will post screenshots when I get home. There was no grace period and we spawned on the workbench. We could both hit each other as well.
YES! I think we were teleported to the center where the chests are though, not back on the marks where you're suppose to start from. The screen went black and then boom... we were on top of the leaves that cover the chests in SG2 I believe and we had our full inventories. Logan and I were on skype as he was teaching me how to SG and letting me get a feel for it and he asked if I could hit him and he hit me and we both were able to give/take damage. I just diconnected and then logged back in and was taken to the SG lobby. I didn't know what to do as I don't SG at all and this was like the 2nd' or 3rd time going in to try and learn. Thank goodness there was no one else there trying to kill us! Word to the wise! Clear out your inventories before you go SG, this way... if it glitches out, you lose nothing.
This is a known glitch that happens when two users die at the same time. Do /sg join when this happens. You shouldn't lose your inventory. There are those times that you may so please heed the signs in front of sg stating that you should not go in with items in your inventory.