Minecraft Username: Yokeby52 Brief Description: While Counting down, the clock messed up Instructions: go into sg 3, wait for it to count down from 5, it may or may not go 5,4,5,4,3,2,1 How many times did you recreate this bug?: i did it as a trial of 15 times, 13/15 repeated the bug Result:13/15 repeated Expected Result: to not mess up Evidence: http://i.imgur.com/Ev2H0t3.png
I have recognized that this happens when it is counting down and someone joins the game. Say it's 5, 4, someone joins game, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. That's what I have found on the matter.
When the game starts when 16 people are in it starts counting down from 60. The game counts down from 60 all the way until under 5 seconds. When the 24th person joins the SG automatically starts in 5 seconds thus resetting the time to 5 seconds. kukelekuuk00