Minecraft Username: @Thorpian Brief Description: Broke a trade sign with more than 128 items in it while have 2 inventory slots free. The sign broke and gave me 128 items (spruce logs). However, the rest of the items disappeared and the trade sign dropped, broken. Instructions: Fill inventory with all blocks (except 2 stacks) Break trade sign with more than 128 items Cry. How many times did you recreate this bug?: Two times. Result: Each time, the sign fell, 128 items were added to inventory. Expected Result: 128 items added to inventory, sign "reformed" with 128 less items. Evidence: Haven't screenshotted, don't have time for extensive testing this week
Was your offhand slot full? @314 told me once that this was a bug where it tries to fill the offhand slot but never does.
Just tried with item in off-hand. This does indeed appear to be the issue. So i'm assuming it'll be fixed with the fix Jamie made for the similar issue for buying from trade signs
@JamieSinn post in this thread when there is a working fix uploaded to the server so others can confirm it's uploaded/fixed.