hawai_five_o Today, 8/01/2017 I did /sell hand 64 with 64 redstone and noticed it took 2 stacks and only payed for 1 stack. I tried it couple of times and relogged and tried it again. It kept happening, I tried it with other items such as woodplanks on wich it didn't happen. But with stone bricks it did it aswell. It's kind of an expensive bug considering I lost 4 stacks of redstone. Thank god I wasn't selling diamonds.
If there is a another stack of the same item in your hotbar to the left of the one you have selected when doing /sell, it will remove 2 stacks, but only sell one. Huh... doing /sell hand 1 with another stack to the left of the one you have selected will delete the stack you are holding and sell one from the left stack. RIP /sell [item] # Is this bug related to the /worth wiping items?
Due to health issues (still ongoing) on my end everything was on hold between the months of February - Now. I've just recently returned and @JamieSinn wasn't able to do much without having me around. We've been working on tons throughout the past 2-3 days and hope to have these issues fixed soon. Our essentials re-write is underway and we made some heavy progress today. I'm hoping to have a fix live on the server within 2-3 days assuming things go well with the code/testing.
Tested and fixed. Will be on the server once we go live with our major plugin re-write. Aiming for tonight.