Hi, there isn't a problem with the command itself, but when I try to sell lapis lazuli to the server, it says "ink sacs with metadata" and gives me the amount of ecodollars for inksacs... Please Help?
This is supposed to happen, lapis is dye. The metadata tells the server what it is specifically. There is a few more items on the server that do that such as podzol. Sent from my NX008HD8G using Tapatalk
As what Jericho said, lapis are "Ink Sacs with mmetadata". That's how they're coded into the game. You're getting the correct price for it (should be $4), right?
Some minecraft items share an item id, and they are differntiated by metadata. For example, sandstone is 24.0, creeper sandstone is 24.1 and smoothsandstone is 24.2. I am assuming dyes are similar, with ink sacs being metadata 0 and the other colors being 1 thru 15.