Save Money & Headaches on Dispensers!

Discussion in 'Economy & Market' started by Penguinpixi, Jan 10, 2014.

  1. Penguinpixi

    Penguinpixi Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Sep 15, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    Hello! Want to make a water-farm, or cocoa bean farm? Or water fountain that you can turn off and on? The possibilities are limitless!

    The deal is, Purchase 5 to 45 Dispensers, and I will place and Fill with water for free! (Dispensers require the water feature, which I have. :)

    Please be sure to purchase the Dispensers directly from me, and NOT my shop Sign. As I can not track who purchased what on the sign.

    Please contact me via the forums, /pm, or server mail. I look forward to doing business with you!

    Limitations: I will need to be given permissions to the area to place, and fill the Dispensers.
    I can only assist with any redstone placement in a limited fashion, as I am not a red stone guru. Users will pay for their Dispensers in advance, if they do NOT want me to place fill, they are not required to do so. I will do this for up to 45 dispensers, after that I will charge for placing and filling at $25 a piece on top of the dispenser cost of $25 a piece. Prices are negotiable for Larger Projects. Lastly, I will not do this if I have any reason to suspect that its being used for griefing purposes :p

    Also Shop #74 is on the BLUE side, on the left off of the top floor, look for the two Purple P's!

    <3 PenguinPixi
    #1 Penguinpixi, Jan 10, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2014