Most of you know about the new thing going around S*** <insert random thing here> say. I thought it would be fun to do it with staff! Post any screenshots you have of weird things you have seen staff say.,OQmrhc9,44wLGFn#0 I made georgie say cute builder things so I could get screen shots
Andy and Ike made such a cute couple Not sure what provoked either of these @Maco20047 having way too much fun at prom EDIT: Found some more Andrew in his cage death match at spawn with some random builder that went afk A pretty good start to @welikeike22's reign after banning Andrew.
I've had the problem of "losing" my date at prom and standing awkwardly in the corner. Unfortunately, that was irl ;-;
I was going through my screen shots and I had to stop half way because of the feels. This is the only good one I found.
@Revanrose6 and I taking over the server- Spoiler Andrewknub- Spoiler @ATWINKIE - Spoiler @oreo1227 being adorable - Spoiler @welikeike22 - best ad ever - Spoiler @(all staff online at the time) - being silly - Spoiler @Revanrose6 @Stolio - pokes hurt - Spoiler @Stolio haxing server again - Spoiler Me - Builder!? - Spoiler
Not really somethings that were said, but happened. But weeks ago I told @Stolio I was almost out of potatoes, and he threw a whole inventory of baked potatoes at me. And I still have not needed to get food.