Thank you guys for such a wonderful experience. I had a fantastic time moderating, but unfortunately I can't meet the activity time standards with school, clubs, and friends. I'll still be playing like normal. :3 Thanks for the kind words.<3
Sorry to see you go buddy it's truly saddening to see Jets then you leave the staff team, I remember the first day I talked to you on ventrilo then Skype. We'll miss you buddy, noone can match up to you not Jets <33 Sent from my HTC One
The sad face wasn't to what Sneaky said, I couldn't agree more. It was towards Ryan leaving, he was the best Super-Mod, the only one I saw actually involving himself with the community. By posting everyday, actively talking in chat, etc. He was the only Super-Mod I ever saw doing this, having a Super-Mod that actually has a strong connection with the users is what made him so good at what he did. Many Super-Mods just focused on /ban, /kick, etc. But that's where Ryan was different, and that's why I, and many others will miss him.
I swear if one more extraordinary, caring mod resigns I am going to dedicate a shrine in my house to the "Lost Mods".
There already is one made by an old mod... it has the old mods on it... like REALLY old... lostalaskan98... etc...