In this appeal, phys stated that "any macro that is used to assist you in farming is illegal." - That statement had me confused, as I the rules currently state this: Clause 4 - Automation The use of any means to earn money without doing any work is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, macromod scripts, autofisher mods, fully automated farms, and physical means to hold a button down while away from your computer. Usage of automated means is allowed for MCMMO grinding, providing you are not generating money and are not afk (e.g. an autoclicker to train the swords skill on a player is allowed, an autoclicker to train the swords skill on a mob spawner is not). If you are found to have used any kind of illegal automation, your relevant statistics/balance will be reduced and/or cleared entirely at the discretion of administration. Be warned that we take this very seriously. Per the macros Aluxxen linked, he should've evidently still did work as he still had to hold down two buttons to farm the melons. The rules currently state that it is illegal to earn money without doing ANY work, and Aluxxen DID do work, per the macros he linked. Phys' statement seemingly contradicts the rules. What's even more confusing is that per @Physicistsmom's statement, she states that ANY macro used to assist you in farming is illegal. Does that mean melon selling macros and repair macros are illegal as they help you farm? So basically, could someone clarify these rules for me and such?
The scripts provided were different from what was shown in the evidence. In the evidence the user was clearly AFK as they did not respond to any attempts staff made to ensure that the user was actually AFK while farming. With the evidence provided there was clearly no user side input while he was farming therefor it was totally automatic and absolutely illegal.
@Physicistsmom However, you mod-edited the scripts he linked, thus I assumed they're illegal. Those scripts auto-selled your melons for you, and made you turn and look straight via your keyboard - Are those scripts illegal?
Also, I'd like to ask, if those scripts are legal, would a script that has me make turns upon stone slabs be legal? I'm still at the computer and holding down two keys, thus not fully automatic - This saves some work, but not all. Would that be legal too, if the other is legal?
Auto sell macro would be considered legal, it does not generate money by doing that (as you've worked beforehand for it) and it would be similar to typing /sell hand every few minutes. As for the keyboard turn, no. Simply put, anything to assist you in making money, whether turning your head, or something else, it is illegal if it generates any money in any way.
Well, it does appear to rules are very contradicting to the statements you're making. The rules state you have to be COMPLETELY AUTOMATED - This just turns your head for you, upon you clicking on the KEYBOARD. And if that somehow violates the rules like you say it does, Windows has a default application in which you are able to use keyboard as a mouse "Mousekeys", Does this mean that If I set up a DEFAULT PRE INSTALLED windows application to use when farming, I would get banned as it assists me. Even though user input is required. ITS Just like using a mouse! But your keyboard! Or will I get banned because I'm using the keyboard to gain an "unfair advantage"? The policy towards things like that quite unclear and contradictory to the current rules.
There is your answer. The user was AFK. There was no user side input. You are moving the goalposts. You went from - scripts auto-selled your melons for you, and made you turn and look straight script that has me make turns upon stone slabs be legal? I'm still at the computer and holding down two keys to a default application in which you are able to use keyboard as a mouse So let me move the goalposts back. If you are at the keyboard, providing the input, it is legal. If you are not, then it is illegal. Just holding down a single button or two with no other input while you farm, turn, refocus, and farm again isn't actual work. But if that same script just stops you at slabs and turns you around, but you have to re-initiate the next row of farming, then you are continually having to provide input. The staff isn't just going to ban you for efficient farming/mining. They are going to investigate. If there is an issue, I am sure you will be able to plead your side. It isn't like the staff want to ban people. But if you aren't at the keyboard when the issue is happening, it isn't exactly a point in your favor. Disclaimer: I am not staff, but this is my understanding of the rules. I may be inaccurate in my interpretation. But it has worked for me for 3+ years of not getting banned. Better safe than sorry. If you have a script that you feel blurs the lines, get permission to use it first. I have a couple that I use and I have permission to use them from staff because I asked and they felt the scripts fell within the guidelines.
I don't think you really understand - I was asking if the scripts PRESENTED were legal, NOT the scripts that were USED. I disagree - I'm still doing work by holding down those buttons. No work at all is, well, literally, doing nothing and farming. I'm still working by holding those buttons down. However, he did have to click keys to turn, so there's more input in that too. Well, I can't really be away from the keyboard, using those scripts - they still have a sufficient amount of play input in them.
Then why were the non-illegal user-input-required macro scripts edited out of aluxxen's appeal? According to your understanding they're legal, yet staff still edited them out of the post.
While I can now better understand your?/United's? position, I am hesitant to say that a script that assist you while farming (auto turns you and refocusing you to look perfectly straight while providing no input to do so), is legal. Maybe one script by itself would OK, but the combination of all of them together along with their intended purpose of assisting in making money while farming is the issue. If you are using the script for your everyday walking around, playing minecraft then that is one thing. If you have the script strictly to use while farming, then obviously there seems to be something different. I am sure I do not know the reason. I could give a few speculations, but they would be exactly that. Since I am unfamiliar with the actual script, I will just go back to lurking. I am ignorant of actual situation that brought this up. I just saw the user changing what was actually being said every time they posted. I was hoping to bring it to their attention to get back to the real issue rather than see them set up a straw man.
Maybe this is a totally crazy idea, but I think it might be a lot clearer, fair, and easier to enforce if the rules pertaining to macro mods and what is or is not autofarming as instead of being defined macro mod to macro mod as far as what is or isnt allowed, the definition were judged by how afk you are when using the macro mods. If you have so many macro mods working together that you can fully recline into netflix and cannot be reached by repeated messaging, you are afk autofarming. Meanwhile on the flipside if you really cant be bothered turning yourself around and want to use enough that you can farm just by holding a button down, fine. So long as you are looking at the screen well enough to be contacted while farming you arent truly passively farming regardless of how lazy your finger is being your attention remains partially on ecc, enough that staff can confirm you are there.
Macro farming has always been frowned upon and should be illegal... the problem is that it is too hard to prove/enforce as a rule.. too many grey areas. Every year people continue to try and find ways to generate money faster.. It started with tape and staplers. At the end of the day making something easier then it should be for economical gain should be forbidden on an economy server. Just farm like everyone else you lazy bums!