I was looking at the For Sale forum areas and the Rule List and couldn't find an answer to my question. So when you sell something, it has to be an in-game item or related closely to ECC. But charging Ecodollars for something in real life isn't allowed. So why then are things like signatures okay to be sold? But what I really curious about is, how far can you go before it's not allowed to pay Ecodollars for something? Would selling someone an animation of their minecraft character in ECC be allowed? Would selling someone a paper model of their MC character in real life be allowed? Or, taking the rules literally, as long as it's not something "tangible", it's okay? Like an electronic MC related thing, or an electronic ECC related thing? Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
I'm not sure about this so don't quote me. I think that signatures would be fine because they are for the ECC forums. However, I don't think a paper model would be allowed bc they would be mailing a physical item to you in exchange for EcoDollars.
an image, once uploaded never disappears off the internet, it can be downloaded, and reuploaded, etc. So I would say that once you receive the item, you'll have it forever, and there would be no risk of lost money. (It's a given that it has to be ECC related, of course) A physical item can break, get lost, it may not even be sent, etc. It's outside of our control, and therefore something we don't allow. A signature, custom graphic, avatar, etc, has to be ECC specific of course.
Although there is some clarification already posted, I'd still like to post. xP From my time on many forums and games with rules like this one, generally anything that is directly related to the forum / community / game and is digital/virtual, it is allowed to be bought/sold by/for the virtual currency. Signatures, YouTube videos, animations, art (once uploaded, and not physically mailed), music, et cetera is allowed - they are not "in real life," hold-able, tangible, or physical. However, if they are turned into something like that (a print of the art, a CD of music or video, etc), it is not allowed. If you can touch it in real life or use it in the physical world, then it would be against the rule(s). If it is strictly digital/virtual - and of course ECC-related - it should be allowed.