Okay Im not sure if this is the correct place to post this but oh well. Me and one of my friend's(BluexVII) accounts were just banned so a roll back was in place. Within the first 24 hours we appealed and were proven innocent and already are back online. Although we are already back online we back online we are still at the mercy of the roll back. We understand the nature of the role back and it is used to protect other users and the server. Due to the roll back, we lost a large amount of items. Also a lot of these items were mined by two of our friends(who were not banned). All of our items come from a total of four people. Since most of our items were in chests were in the other band members chest, all of our items are gone. So our two friends that were not banned are most displeased with the server right now, since they are being punished for something that has nothing to do with the two of them. Since we were proven innocent we don't find this to be exactly fair. We were hoping we could be re compensated for our lost goods. We put a lot of hard work into mining all of materials. So this is a proposal if any way possible to receive compensation for the lost goods. It would be much appreciated if we could either get back the items OR re compensated with Eco City Cash for how ever much the items are worth. We always kept good track of how much of everything we had so i can assure these numbers are accurate. If you don't believe us we have mines to prove it. These numbers are all rounded DOWN. 70 Diamond 3 64 Stacks of Iron BLOCK 2 64 Stacks of Gold BLOCK 8 64 Stacks of Coal 4 64 Stacks of Wood 1 64 Stack of Red Stone 2 64 Stacks of Lapiz (non block) So please consider helping us, if any way possible, by giving the items back or giving us how ever much these items are worth in cash. Thank you. Please remember we rounded all these numbers down. Please consider helping us if anyway possible. This is a rough time for us. Thank You. Please contact back.