Minecraft Name: dwite12 Suggestion: That residents get a kit once a week Reason: Some builders aren't too motivated to get resident because all you get is the Mining World, so I think that Residents should get a kit consisting of 1 sign, 1 iron ingot, 250 ecodollars, etc. Any Other Information: I think this server needs something more to the resident tag, and many builders are like what is so great about the mining world and being a resident? Link To This Plugin: N/A I hope this gets passed through so that this server will have more people working hard to get resident! @rabidworm ... @GoldenArmor12 .... @liamfrench ... @purrguin ...
I think it would be kind of awesome to have each rank get a new kit for example, this is what I would do: Unless specified otherwise, one day delay Resident: 64 cobblestone 16 cobble halfblocks 16 cobble stairs Stone pickaxe, axe, and shovel 16 glass 16 iron bars (not ingots, the prison cage stuff) Mayor: 64 smooth stone 128 cobble 32 logs 64 glass 8 glowstone iron tool set President: 128 smoothstone 256 cobble 64 glass 16 glowstone 8 obsidian (for portals) Iron armor set President tools/farm (7 days delay): Diamond pick, axe, shovel, hoe 128 dirt 32 pumpkin seeds 32 watermelon seeds 32 wheat seeds 32 glowstone
Why do they need more incentive? They don't to be honest.. when I first started I knew what I had to do.. I got president in like a week or two.
In my opinion, resident gives you a lot more than just the things stated on the wiki. For instance, residents are considered more "trustworthy" by players, and a lot of players feel safer inviting them to higher end towns, and doing trades with them. Overall, resident is a big step up in the community in itself. As far as incentive goes, resident already has a huge perk (the mining world). Which by the way...(don't tell andrew I said this!) Might have a surprise in store fairly soon! As for extra items, it would just drop prices of things, and eliminate any sort of trading on that item, so I am personally against it.