Minecraft Name: xxemuxx Your In-game Minecraft Name. Suggestion: What are you suggesting? Donate to be able to repair enchanted tools. Reason: I'd do it. Why do you think this is a good addition for EcoCitycraft? Please be as detailed as possible. More money. Other Information: Any other information we should know about this suggestion. No Link to this plugin: None A link to the plug-in you are suggesting, if applicable. (Check bukkit.org for plugins!)
1 dia pick with unbreaking III and silk touch + 1000 herbalism = 60k profit in 45 mins. Being able to repair that pick... Theres no way Andrew will ever allow that lol. I wish he would... but he wont.
You should of commented on my thread for mcmmo repair emu, we technically have the plugin to allow this running already in mcmmo. With mcmmo repair, if a person were to level their repair skill to level 750 or higher they would have a 40% chance to repair enchanted tools with higher enchants, of course if they failed they would be left a regular diamond pick etc. I suggested people could unlock the skill via donation or different ways but Andrew said not at this time, which is either his way of nicely saying no never or that maybe it will be reconsidered someday. http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=8501
Won't ever happen. andrewkm doesn't want you to be able to repair enchanted items no matter how great the risk. because if it works you can make enough money to pay for the costs of the repair and more.
Assuming anyone would have their skill high enough in a few months...... but its easier to not think about that fact.