If a user does not log on to the server for a certain amount of time, their shop can be applied for and taken. Use the /seen command to determine inactivity.
I'm against this, those people have paid for their spawnshop and inactive users will only keep their shop for 10 weeks at most (If they've paid for that much) The shop owners have paid their rent and will keep the shop until the rent expires, this is a maximum of 10 weeks (Seeing as that's the maximum amount of weeks you can pay ahead for.) That's all.
Users pay for 10 weeks for a reason- They want that shop for atleast another 10 weeks. Buying 10 weeks is a safeguard against losing your shop should something happen, say, to your computer. Im 100% against just disregarding what they've paid for because someone wants their shop.
_tan you seem to have made 2 posts trying to make top floor spawn shop owners lose there shop. These are probably just because you want the shops, buy them you yourself or wait 'till one expires.