Hi everyone, This might seem to be a silly question but can I use redstone to wire my dispensers together for a semiauto farm. I scanned the rules but didn't see anything about redstone other than a continuous redstone device. I just didn't want to make something not allowed. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Geno
Just as a side note, dispensers can only be placed by users with the water donation feature. You may already have that but I don't know as donation medals have been disabled.
Section 6, clause 4: Any form of auto money generation, including, but not limited to, auto-farming and auto-fishing, is completely prohibited by any means. Semi auto farms are allowed, so you can use water to clear the fields, then you would have to replant manually. How you set up the water to clear the fields (including dispensers) doesn't seem to matter (unless it causes enough lag for the staff to tell you to remove it).
Yeah I came across that and I do manually replant trust me it seems to take forever lol. Thanks for the great info its much appreciated. I do have the water donation feature.