IGN: TheBluePickle (formerly known as pokeashpoke) Hello, I would like to reclaim my town, as I sold it to some white guy who I don't remember. Oh wait, I do remember. I sold it to somewhiteguy103. I'm not sure if he still has it, but I want it back. If he responds to this, then would I want to ask him if he would consider selling it back to me. @somewhiteguy103. I'm pretty sure that's how you tag someone. Also, the town was bought in this contract: https://ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/contract-sonicville-sale.78230/#post-380417
After he goes inactive for a certain amount of time 6 months I think, you can pay someone that is a tycoon+ to reclaim the town, reclaims cost around 180-250k
If he's the original owner who sold the town to someone else then he can just ask a server admin to reclaim the town. There's no need to have it claimed and bought back
So are you implying that if I buy a Resident Mayor for their town, they can claim it back when my back is turned? I'm confused.
Yes. In your case, the way to prevent that is to include a clause in the contract where they can't reclaim the town after the sale.
Doesn't the person buying the resident mayor have to be offline for 6 months before the new resident can reclaim the town?
Not necessarily. That is a decision individually made by staff at the time of request unless there is a contract as Steve mentioned.
It's left to staff discretion (hence why he'd have to speak with an admin in order to reclaim the town), so they can decide how legal the claim is, so to speak.