Based on this suggestion, I have come up with an idea for spawn stores that will make the economy much more realistic. Currently, the way the server selling-and-buying works is that most objects except tools, armour, written books and enchanted books can be sold to the server. Yet if we want to make the economy more realistic, surely we should have a way that the server can re-sell those items? Whilst the suggestion I stated in the first paragraph requested a "/buy" command, I would think that this could work with a heavily-maintained spawn store system, where everything sold in the spawn store is dependent on everything sold to the server. So if, in twenty-four hours, the server is sold 300 raw fish, at the spawn store it would have a sign, based on an automatic format, that would hold 300 raw fish as they come to the server's "balance". Yet, as I said, this would have to be heavily maintained. So if nobody buys the 300 raw fish there are, then supply and demand becomes a factor, and prices for fish decrease at the spawn store, and so does the price of purchase from the original seller to the server. This could be managed by either a human or otherwise by a specialised machine that functions during restarts (if that's even possible, if you could make it). What will the result of this be? Firstly, a more realistic economy. This will set up a new trade of buying items when low and selling them later at a higher price: this new industry created could be worth hundreds of thousands of $ED$. Secondly, the server will have money itself, and this opens many opportunities for future projects. Thirdly, heavy maintenance means that the spawn stores could be owned by moderators themselves, and they may find pleasure in maintaining the store. Fourthly, the server's players will get incredibly poor. Now, about the fourth point. As few people require melons, pumpkins, fish and other farmed or fished goods, the farming industry could crash if it's sold to the server, and it is unlikely that anyone will be happy to buy what are currently invaluable goods, unless some sort of equivalent to The Cult of the Tree is created for farmed and fished goods. So farmers can become poorer, and inflation can occur. However, nevertheless, this idea will encourage a fonder user to user trading market. Furthermore, no person(s) stated that the "/buy" command is not compatible with this idea, though it would be risky to use any "/buy" commands if prices keep changing c0nstantly. For those who are worried about the fourth idea, you must remember that farming and fishing are not the only sources of income: what about voting, dirt placement, repair services? All three of them, and more, may become expensive if prices drop so much, and if repairs do, then more people will feel the urge to buy repair services, thus the server can receive more money. The same goes with voting: more people may vote for money, and the server gains more players, which can equal, in the long-term, as more money. Also, the server may generate a "minimum amount" - the smallest price that it will buy a certain item for, meaning that if everyone becomes insanely poor, the server can fix this by bumping up the minimum prices of certain items. So everyone should stay happy. As for chain-mail armour and other unobtainable items, we'll be unrealistic and assume that there's an infinite amount of it that the server has. I'm afraid I do not have a link to any plug-in that may support this, but I'm sure that with a couple of months, this idea shouldn't be too hard to program (understatement). Thanks!
Precisely my worries, that it's too hard to implement. I don't think it's too complicated for the buyer, but it can get complicated if you sell to the server all the time. Fortunately, I sell my fish to another user.
Yes, I do. But it seems that pretty much everyone one is just farming or fishing for hours to sell their crops for cold, hard, cash to the server. Less people are mining and selling and buying player-to-player.