Item: Resident, Mayor, President, and Extra Towns Data Value: N/A Current Price: $15,000, $85,000, $40,000, and $140,000+ Brief Description/ Suggested Pricing: I've seen suggestions for Resident price, but nothing for all the ranks, so I thought I'd suggest this I think Resident price is too low. Too many people have been getting the rank in a day, and Resident no longer shows that much commitment to the server. I think the price for Resident should increase to 20k, and you must be on the server for at least a week before you can get it. Mayor is also underpriced in my opinion, and it should be more around 100k-110k. I think President is overpriced, and confusing with having to basically do 2 different things to get the rank, the town 140k and the rank 40k. I think President/Town 2 should be 1 combined price/application, and cost 150k. Each additional town price should be 50k more than the previous: Town 3 200k 4 250k 5 300k 6 350k 7 400k 8 450k 9 500k 10 550k 11 600k 12 650k 13 700k 14 750k 15 800k 16 850k That way, there is an actual easy-to-follow system for town pricing! Open Discussion: I just feel like the prices are too wacky and they don't make sense. This is just my opinion, please feel free to post yours below!
The system we have now is really simple. President is 180k total then 220k (40k more) then 270k (50k more) then 330k (60k more) There is a slight exponential increase and it's fine as it is. I do agree that resident should be 20k, but not that they have to be on the server for 1 week, people shouldn't have to wait a week for something that can be done in a day. when I joined the server it was 20k and I got it within a couple of days while being lazy and losing money in the process.
I think they should have to wait because like I said, too many people have got the rank. If they have to be on the server for a little before getting the rank, most likely the residents would be more trustworthy, and have more experience on the server. Also, I didn't know the prices went like that kuke
If I had to wait to get resident then I probably would've quit, a lot of people are fairly impatient, if they can get the money within a day but then have to wait 6 more days to get it then they would stop playing or come back a week later, it doesn't change a thing. What you are saying is complete nonsense to me. Someone who has been here for a week is not more trustworthy than someone who has worked hard to get his money very quickly. He worked for his money and deserves to get resident for that, you are literally saying that people should wait to become trustworthy.
-1 -1 -1 times a million!!!!!!! That's the worst idea! I think u want to raise those ranks because u already bought them and u wan to lower president so it's easier for u to get it! Am I right?
I think there should be a rank between either res & mayor or mayor & pres. Both are a long jump 85k and 180k, so I think there should be something in the middle. Governor maybe...