Minecraft Username: RoonaC Brief Description: Randomly teleporting while farming Instructions: 1.Speed set to 8.9 2.farm melons 3.get teleported to different area of farm How many times did you recreate this? This is happening randomly and am unable to recreate by a specific method Result: moving to different levels of farm at different coordinates Expected Result: to remain where i am unless doing tp command Further information: This has also happened tilling twice and @Baccuus has mentioned it happened placing blocks Evidence: provided via forum pm as video reveals identity.
I'd like to add that the place where it usually teleports me back is wherever I logged back in. For example, I logged back in at x: 350 y: 50 z: 0 and place blocks for 100 blocks in the x direction it randomly teleports me back to x: 350 y: 50 z:0. I'm not sure if it's at certain amount of blocks but it just randomly teleports me. It recently started happening a 3+ days ago.
This has also been happening to me recently - getting worse today - just planting melon seeds at walking /speed 3 - automatically get teleported back to my farms spawn. Makes it quite difficult to work on the farm.
@roonac @jettownzu22 @Baccuus Could you provide some information about the location (town names) and exact points you find that you are experiencing this issue?
I just tried planting some seeds recently, and it worked just fine this time... I will let you know if any other issues occur. (at Dojo)
I was teleported from (approximately) 325, -6569 to (approximately) 256, -6746. At the time, I was excavating a mountain with my standard eff5 shovel.
Thanks for the info guys. I've looked into it around the time you guys stated this was happening and it looks like this is potentially issue with the anticheat. I'll have @andrewkm take a look. Looks to be like a hit with Speed hits and it teleports them back to where they were long before.
/warp ecoplex Placing blocks at -12505.195, 63.00000, 11276.311 While placing Mud Brick blocks am consistently teleported to -12566, 64, 11277.406
i think it may be anti cheat also. randomly teleported 3 times at region roona before being kicked for speed
Yeah anti cheat has been mean recently... Placing seeds at /warp dojo Planting seeds on the 5th floor: -9039 83 -9299 Teleported to -9007 63 -9544
I noticed that springing at high speed (I used speed 10 in this video) into water causes some general weirdness, teleporting deep into/above the water and eventually a kick for speed.
We made some changes to anti-cheat a little while back and I forgot to check in with you guys regarding this issue. Is this still happening for you guys? @Lopporit @jettownzu22 @roonac @OniFox_ @TheSavageBull @Baccuus