I have a treasure hunt set up. The clues (except the first one) are hidden throughout ECC in different locations. The Clues are int he form of books. the person who brings me the final book (it will say to return it to me) will be rewarded HEAVILY with VERY good enchanted armour, weapons, and items. IF a clue is taken, and the next clue not solve within an hour of me finding that it was gone, I will post the clue on the forums here. CLUE #1: This was a Triumph, Architecture, Hidden water, and SUGAR hints may or may not be dealt out, based on how long its taking. Preview of what you can win... Spoiler
Re: rabid's Treasure Hunt Ok, i had gone to sleep Overnight, clues 2-6 have been found! They are a total of 8 clues. The current hint will be posted since rikari hasnt found. If no one finds within an hour hints will proceed. Hint #7 I hear the aether is nice this time of day