Why do the mods answer and then lock the thread. this makes it real hard to type back in the same place for a post to make any sense at all. i was told by mods two weeks ago that my bank and items could be transfer over in a ban situation due to just a name. most of my items are in my lock boxes anyways witch i just wish to unlock... as for the 50k and in my bank and the items i have on i cant get them. what is up with that. i have been more than polite and patient in this situation and are promised one thing from one guy and bashed from another and all i get out of andrew is `post it` this is post number 4 or 5 now on this topic and still am getting the toss around. he offers $25 in donation credit and denys your trying to resolve anything. posts get deleted or locked and then tossed out anyways. what's the whole point in forums if you get no reply on them
Your post has been unlocked. Just be patient for andrew to reply back and get your stuff transferred.