When someone posts something on the forums there will be a empty bucket, a water bucket, a lava bucket, or bedrock, I know bedrock means a post is locked, but what does the empty bucket, the water bucket, and the lava bucket mean?
I think empty bucket means the post isn't responded to yet, full water bucket has been responded to. Not sure about lava however. Edit: never mind, I was wrong.
Lava is a popular topic. Water is a post that has not been viewed by you yet. An empty bucket has no new posts.
i've asked this before ; p,here's a link, but to summerise, water buckets are topics with posts you havnt' looked at, empty buckets have no new posts, bedrock forums have been locked, and lava buckets are "popular" Link:http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=17937
Water buket means that there are posts that have not yet been viewed by you. Lava buket means that there are posts that have not been viewed by you but the topic is also very active. Wmpty bucket means that you have viewed all the posts in the topic.