My spawnshop is almost expired; I don't plan on renewing it. I have read the rule for spawnshops that states that there must be at least 8 trade signs in it. However, since it is expiring; I want to tear it down. Is it ok if I do tear it town 1-3 days before it expires? This may be a noob question I think I may have read it somewhere but I probably forgot.
Yeah. That's what I do if I don't re-new. I tear stuff down 2 days prior, so I don't forget . I've never had a problem with this.
The comma is correct. The semicolon is not. A semicolon joins two complete sentences. "Yeah." is not one.
*Ahem* WRONG. "Yeah." is a form of "Yes." which is a pro-sentence which technically is a sentence. "Yeah; you can." is proper and correct. Check your google, son.
Actually, a pro-sentence is an interjection or a part of speech, not a full sentence, but this isn't the place to debate grammar.