It was brought to my attention that you can no longer get acrobatics EXP after a teleport (lift signs included) I would like to know why this is? Now, it is virtually impossible to train acrobatics without waiting 30 seconds+ to get your health back up. Acrobatics can't make money either, so there was no reason to remove exp after teleports. Can anybody please answer why gaining EXP was removed after a teleport? KHobbits I believe he is in charge of MCMMO
I've just tested this, there is like a 5 second cool-down time after TPing. Is there a reason why this was added?h Per Andrew: Mcmmo developers have just patched acrobatics grinding by teleportation - perhaps this is the problem. Grinding is no longer possible at this time. .[snip] was an exploit. Again it was the Mcmmo teams decision to patch this - not only on our server but for Mcmmo servers worldwide. I won't be enabling a bypass at this time.
Well, I just found out about this. I have just place a ceiling 25 meters above the ground, powertooled a wood sword with fly, fly up, fall down, heal sign. At least it is better than walking up a ladder.