Hi! \(^-^)/ I recently became a resident but I built a home in the wild while I was still a builder and really like it! I want to move to a protected town but I'll be sad leaving the place! I was wondering if its possible to have someone private or protected (whichever one) it so it wont get griefed? Or that if I decided to buy a ploy at a protected area, have it copied? If not possible, thank you for your time.
Well I'm sorry to inform you that you can't fully protect your buildings or structures at the wild from griefing, allowing such things would make the point of selling plots from or even getting a protected town a bit pointless... If you get a plot at a protected town, you could always try to copy the design yourself and build it again, or you could always hire someone to do it for you (would probably cost a quite big amount depending on size and how complex it is though).
However, when you get mayor you can protect not only your house but the area around it. THen you can keep your house and sell plots!