Can mayors pay more to acquire additional regions for their town? For example, can a mayor buy 3 more regions, effectively expanding their town to 400x400? See image for example. Not to scale.
You can buy extra townS but they cost more per town. With your second town you need to buy president.
Once you are president, you can buy towns that are connected to any existing town you have effectively increasing the size of land you own. Unfortunately, they will all be considered separate towns, though they will be in the same nation. If you wanted to treat it as one big town, you would have to give people perms to the nation, not each individual town. FYI- You create your nation name when you apply for your second town.
Yes you can get extra towns, but each new town costs more. For example, mayor costs 85k for the rank/town. President costs 180k for the town/rank. Then it keeps going up. I believe the third town is 220k; so a lot of money.