I have a couple question pertaining to something I just realized. I'm not sure whether this is due to a mistake or if it was done on purpose, so here I am asking. Bane of Arthropods used to cost 200 -> 750 -> 3000 last time I checked (a looong time ago), but now it costs exactly as Smite, i.e: 315 -> 1250 -> 5000. Was that done on purpose or is it due to a mistake when repopulating the new exp shop? Almost all enchantments use to cost twice the cost of one level less, e.g: Unb3 costs 3000, which is 4 times 750, the cost of Unb1 (if you go up 2 levels you gotta double twice). When the pattern is not exactly respected, usually it's just due to an approximation. But, both Sweeping Edge and Depth Strider don't respect this pattern (they are the only two exceptions among all enchantments in expshop): Sweep3 costs 9000, so Swp1 should cost 2250 but it costs 3000; Depth3 costs 6000 and Depth2 costs 3000 (correct), so Depth1 should cost 1500 but it costs 2000. Again, was this done on purpose or it due to a mistake? I'm sure Depth Strider didn't change between the new spawn, so it's unlikely to be a mistake, but I still wonder why so. If any of these was not a mistake but deliberate, I'm curious as to the reason. I know, I'm a busybody, I can't help but ask questions
Since I'm the one that did the exp shop, I'll look into this when I have time. I still have screenshots of all the old prices
Looking through my screenshots, I copied what was originally at the old spawn before we transferred over to the new one This was also copied over from the signs at the old spawn. I recently added sweeping edge. I can only imagine that depth strider is the same way because it was recently added as well. I've fixed the depth strider and Sweeping edge prices so that they go along with the pattern, thank you for pointing it out
Then this must have been changed earlier, a long time ago... it actually makes sens that Bane Of Arthropods and Smite have the same price, I just wonder why BoA was raised to Smite, instead of Smite lowered to BoA or, maybe even better, both moved to an average. Cool! I also realized that Luck Of Sea does not respect the pattern: it should be either 1000 → 4000 or 750 → 3000. Spoiler: If someone wonders why such a pattern is so damn important Yes, I'm OCD, but that's not the (only) reason: vanilla mechanics are most relevant here. Say you've got two diamond swords with Unbreaking 1: with an anvil, you could merge those to make a single diamond sword with Unbreaking 2 (the xp cost to use the anvil to merge stuff is usually negligible, as compared to the cost of the enchants itself). Therefore, if you had four Unb1 swords, you could merge those 2 by 2, get two Unb2 swords, and then merge those into a single Unb3 sword. The xp cost in expshop must double for every level you go up: otherwise getting a single Unb3 sword would have a significantly different xp cost than getting four Unb1 swords and then merging them. If our expshop were not to respect the pattern, the exp prices would be inconsistent with vanilla mechanics (the equivalent of Physics laws, or facts), and it's almost never a good idea to have an economy inconsistent with physical matter of facts (the worst possible consequences are exploits, though this in particular might not be the case). Also I notice you just added Mending, wasn't that supposed to be out of expshop, being it a treasure enchantment (much alike to Frost Walker)? Or I might recall wrongly.