Hi, Two quick questions: Is a temp-banned triggered after five warnings in the same category or only for five general warnings? Is there a time-limit for the warn to still count towards a temp-ban? I.e do they expire and no longer count towards a ban after a certain period? Thanks, Phanto
As warns can't be put into categories (as it would require always typing <exactly> the same category name without any deviation in wording), any collection of 5 warns. To my knowledge, it goes by the number of warns. Since those never expire, the tempban-count shouldn't, either.
IIRC, the old warning system reset after server restarts. Not sure if the updated version fixed this issue.
The new system persists through restarts, that's the purpose of it. Otherwise it wouldn't be anything different from what it is now.
So you could have 4 warnings for spamming. Then someone reports you on the forums and you get banned for spamming. You appeal, spam 1 more time and get banned again?... They should reset after a ban.
It shouldn't. The said "player" who was banned for spamming should know better, especially after being banned for spamming before. It's unfair that someone who's been banned's points would get cleared while someone who has been warned like 4 times in a year doesn't have their points get cleared.
Nicit did say on another suggestion that they were going to see how this system works before taking suggestions on how to change or tweak it.