Dear Andrew, As you might know I like your server very much and I hope it will exist for at least 10 years (yes I think minecraft will last at least another 10 years), however there will be a certain point in time when your server will become not profitable enough and you are forced to stop. By then all ECC players would have build massive structures and beautiful buildings in your server (imagine what you can build in 10 years), are you planning to make the world maps downloadable so that we don't lose our building/statues/cities and so on so that we can still enjoy our magnificent building abilities and relive our glories ECC lifes in single player. Regards, ReDnAx1991
To download the ECC map would be soo much memory. You have to remember, cords go 15k all around. And structures do get big and nice, but andrew has ways of making the economy stable and balanced.
I heard about a map ! they will do a map and they will share it with the server! ( like bluerprint) but i am not sure i read about that on one post!
I think we know the map would be quite large, even in a zip file. It would still be worth downloading even if it's 20 or 50 gbs. I think ReDnAx1991 is referring to when the server loses popularity and therefore loses donations. Without donations the server won't be able to afford expensive hosting.
I understand that he doens't want us to download it now, I am asking for a download when he is stopping with hosting the server. So that none of our work will be gone to waist.
Actually jets, I was permitted to have the map to do a cinema 4d render of it for an old project of mine for Andrew, I had to fully delete it after for security issues. For some reasons Andrew will give the map out But for the end of the server I don't think so as someone could start another copy server up.
I plan to just make some nice videos of my structures inside and out so I can still look at them or show others .
Locked Please refer to the link I leave below; this wont happen. This can be abused easily, finding coords to Ores, or giving it out to the public can lead to other servers taking our map, and claiming it for their own.