Hi, I was wondering my friend wanted to apply for mayor make town adjacent to mine only problem is I think it would be max available land 200x80 <- yes this 80 is a problem do to other towns in the area, I understand we have to ask other mayors for ok to have town less then 15 blocks away but I'm not concern about that, well unless they say NO then the plan is out the window , anyhow main concern is how will Mods go about this provided other mayors don't have an issue with this. Yes I know rule says 100x100 to Max 200x200 so 200x100 I think would be ok , but maybe some exceptions can be made ... For a fee... Thanks for any info
I'm not 100% sure on this issue but i'm pretty sure that you're not allowed to make a region with a dimension of less than 100 (thus the 100x100-200x200). I'm sure a GA would know all of the rulings about towns though.
yes rule is 100x100 to a max 200x200 i am just fishing see if any exception is possible since it cannot possibly be 100 min on one of the sides
It's more than a rule, it's actually the limit of the commands we use. These 100 and 200 blocks limits are hardcoded into the command we use to create towns. So it's impossible to make a town that doesn't fit within these limits.
I kind of came up with a solution to my problem so wanted to see if that was possible. 1. Can the town be 100x200 ...? If not that's fine I can even make it 200x200 but ... There is a catch ... It would overlap my current town , but I could make sure it overlaps exactly on x or z axis I would have to check in game which one it is, and it would form a nice rectangle. 2. In OP I mentioned i'd have my friend apply because he can get mayor less expensive then me going for president but since they would overlap to save any problems in the future (of approved) it be better if at least I owned both. Well I hope we can work it out. Thanks.
Right on, thanks, making it 100x 200 would only overlap 15-20 blocks, now just wait if some mod reads it an hopefully allows it.
towns can't overlap, that's impossible. But the anything between 100x100 and 200x200 is possible, this includes 100x200
Yup it can be any size as long as it is min 100 and max 200 and obviesly it has to be rectangle so 156x122 or 101x199 seems to be ok, to bad they can't make them overlap must be something other then world guard used to create it, on a good note I might create job for someone tell then to move my house so it's inside the region fully lol, darn house if I only knew how big it was before I started lol. Anyways , thanks for help . I tried