Hello EcoCityCraft community! Over the past (not sure how long), I’ve been working on a small project in an attempt to help out the ECC community. It’s a project that will very likely include the community, and in essence is “by the community” and “for the community”. I will explain this in further detail shortly. Some of you may have read this suggestion where some interest was expressed in a HUD for quests. Some of you may have also read my post about creating a client-side solution for the suggestion. I had a prototype for it, however I hadn't "put pen to paper" until a bit thereafter. As such, I figured I would help out the ECC community and whip something up. QuestHUD is a Minecraft mod requiring the Fabric API and Minecraft 1.21.1. (This mod was tested entirely against Fabric Loader v0.16.7, Fabric API 0.106.0+1.21.1, and Minecraft 1.21. I would highly suggest you use these to prevent any unintended side effects, though if success is found with other configurations, feel free to drop them below.) QuestHUD can be obtained by using the hyperlink or clicking here: https://modrinth.com/mod/questhud/ Spoiler: Reference for the Below Info The basis of "QuestHUD" is this: This mod features two commands: /qhud <quest> This command activates a scoreboard for the quest. For example, if /dquests has a quest named “SpringTulips” as part of “PetalAndLeaf”, I would type “/qhud SpringTulips” to generate the HUD. Spoiler: Sample /qhud SpringTulips Output /qhud <quest> info This command prints requirements for quest <quest> in chat. For example, if I were to type “/qhud SpringTulips info”, I would see that this quest requires breaking 64 pink tulips, 64 red tulips, 64 orange tulips, and 64 white tulips. Spoiler: Sample /qhud SpringTulips info Output The HUD’s header shows the quest name, while in white are the required materials. For example, “/qhud SpringTulips” shows Pink Tulips, Red Tulips, Orange Tulips, and White Tulips. These are the required blocks to break for the quest. To the right of the required blocks are a number. This number represents the progress towards the quest. For example, if I require 64 Pink Tulips and break 32, I will need 32 more, so I should see 32 in red to the right of “Pink Tulips”. A number in green means that the requirements have been met. (This should be the number 0.) There are a couple of catches (as I may have mentioned previously): I do not have access to what all of the daily quests are or what they could be, nor do I think this information would want to be shared (...correct me if I'm wrong, ECC Administration). Therefore, I need the community’s help in creating a list of daily quests. (For example, I added my quest of "GlimmersInTheDark" to the possibilities since these are the only two I have available.) If you would like to report the requirements you have for a quest, please drop a reply to this thread. Currently, QuestHUD will only keep track of block breaking quests (for now... perhaps I'll implement others in the future, as I know crafting quests are a rather popular category too). Moreover, currently all block breaks are logged, rather than just natural blocks that are broken, which quests are based off of. (For example, if you were to place a Pink Tulip and then break it, QuestHUD would count it as progress towards a requirement, while /dquests would not.) The block count resets if you disconnect from the server, or if you generate another display on the side. (mcMMO’s is the only one I can think of off the top of my head at the moment.) Issues / Comments / Suggestions: For any issues, comments, or suggestions, feel free to drop a reply to this thread. I will be trying to keep this post as up-to-date as possible.
QuestHUD Update - v1.1.0 "Strip Log" events should now be handled appropriately by the QuestHUD. You can try this out with "/qhud LegacyStrippedWoods". (This is the only daily quest I have available where stripping logs are required.) This will require updating the mod in your "mods" folder. As always, let me know if you encounter any issues and feel free to report your daily quests!
for daily quests you could issue the dquest command and read the inventory that is opened by it. No need to hardcode those values.