Ign- Sinder33Suggestion: I believe that the pyro+ donation feature should be given a command to enable and disable the following: When it is enabled, it should make your lava bucket always full, such as it is in creative mode.Reason: I believe this because of the option to use /fill on your bucket to refill your bucket each time. However, this removes the requirement to type the command. While using the commands, I tend to be kicked for spam, and this is much easier.Plugin: N/AAdditional info: I also believe this should be for water+ , only replacing the lava with water.thanks buildablock98 for help with grammer.added: this with normal bucket (dont get filled when right click lava and water) if you whrong place. (if you would add 1+ too both have it only work with lava when pyro+ and work with water with water+)
Hi sinder, Good suggestion, I understand what you mean too; you want lava/water buckets to be able to be placed like creative mode, and you also want to be able to switch it from normal-creative and creative-normal placing using a certain command. I'm not positive if this can be done, but it is a great suggestion. I understand that your primary language is Norwegian (or something like that), so I will not be strict about correcting this. Nice suggestion and thanks.
It's okay, your grammar is fine. I see what you mean. It's a pain to have to type one command every single time. Maybe make it so /fill lava(or water) will fill all the buckets in your inventory?
yes that is fine too. but i make that suggestion because i want: it easy too fill a lava lake or something. instead spam: /Fill lava and maybe get kicked and it stand: kicked for commands spam.(also much faster for player too) but 1+ too what you mean too ryan maybe you can make a suggestion for that too
I know that you have extcommands. I suggest powertooling /fill lava on a bucket. Left click the bucket and BOOM!
Great Idea + oo But I just powertool my empty bucket to /fill lava 8) See what Idid their yeah thats right. But I do wish for this to happen jakeyray18 Sorry to bother you jake But just wanted to see if you can get Andrekwm to look at this. or wewin. I do wish for it to happen
i have done this now. but still it are like spam commands. in the console it are still whrite: /fill lava
I see what you mean there, and you're right; it does spam the console. I really think that what you suggested should be done. The only problem is whether it's able to be done or not.
as much as this would be a great idea there are also downsides to having something like this. for example if i were doing lava placements for someone and I accidentally placed it in the wrong place I would not be able to pick it back u with the bucket straight away as my bucket would still be full of my unlimited lava. I would have the same sort of problem if this occured with water, for exaple if I was doing water placements in a large wheat farm and I placed the water in the wrong place I could destroy a few hundred dollars, if not more worth of crops because I wasnt able to pick up the water straight away cause my bucket would still be full of water.
That's why he recommended being able to toggle it on and off with a command. Also, lava & water can easily be prevented from flowing with other blocks like stone, dirt, etc.
I would love this idea With water, it's easy enough to just place ice, but with lava, there's no lava ice, or nothing that could be placed in that manner!
i dont when made this think about that. but now i will add also have same normal bucket but dont get filled (For pyro+ or water+) what you think?
Even if it was toggle able that would not help to prevent the problem I just described anyway cause if you did place it wrong you would have to toggle it off and even the the current bucket you had would still be full after you turned it off.
But of you toggled it off it would empty the lava bucket and turning it on would fill it (inf lava of course) simple as that.