Minecraft Name: Jetscat Suggestion: Adding the option to "/erepair" and/or "/repair" in the PvP world. Reason: I don't see why this wasn't added. It's much more fun that way, I mean, the possibility of catching Unknownrider with his gear off, Repairing it, and killing him would be magnificent, no? Any Other Information: Not sure if this was forgotten, or if there's an actual reasoning for having it disabled.
The point of the PVP world was to have no donation features carry over. So, not having it was probably intended.
I don't see why it matters much.. If it was implanted in the world for a purpose, all it would be doing is extending the time it takes to get a repair. Adding it would make it an even more Active, blood thirsty place.. Which I assume was it's original purpose.
Just leave the arena world when you need to repair things, I don't see why we should have repair be carried over to the pvp world when it's been said only mcmmo features will be carried over. Also, being able to repair your sword during a fight can determine whether you will die or not in certain situations.
say i only can hit once and i can't repair and they can knock me back then you can die and repair will just make it unfair
Well some people only bought donations for PVP world so.... I say +1 and I will tag myself for know particular reason icondigi
Welcome to life, my friend. We donated for Ext Commands+ for a reason, that doesn't make it unfair, we paid for what we got. However, I'm not saying that because I donated for it, I should get it in the PvP world, that's another argument, this is directed to you. I donated for Ext Commands + at the time, because no one else had it, for I could sell my Repairs.. That's completely fair. Saying it's unfair is unfair.
He has a valid point though, the pvp world is there to be as fair as possible, donation features asided from mcmmo should not affect the pvp world gameplay. What you want is repair in the pvp world, why not allow repair in the hungergames then? Because it's unfair, very unfair, just apply unbreaking to your stuff or just leave the world to repair your items.
When he stated his point, it sort of seemed like he meant in General. Anyways, I agree now this would be unfair to users with, for example, Unbreaking. The PvP world should be a brutal, hardcore, blood thirsty arena, and if you don't want your tools breaking, enchant them with unbreaking.