Minecraft Name: OhMrsKittyKat Suggestion: Purchasable Eggs that contain Wolfs, and Cats. Either make it through the nether star shop or even make a new store in spawn called Animal Store! (Could sell leads, saddles, name tags, and the pets themselves!) Reason: It would add more of a use for leads and name tags! Also I feel it would be fun to carry an animal around with me using a lead in the main world. Any Other Information: None other then if there was a way to make it so you can summon your pet to you using a command or make it so if you tp with a lead the animal on the lead stays with you? *Additional Information* - Don't forget this would take a lot of money out of the economy! Link To This Plugin: N/A although i'm sure we could make one.
I don't see any major flaws or anything in here, Andrew already plans on making horses invincible, so why not wolves and cats? It can't be TOO awfully hard, and I personally would love to be able to have cats and dogs tied up outside my house on a lead. I don't know about selling things like saddles, those are more meant to be found in dungeons. I don't know if he would sell horses either since they have more ability to them as opposed to just a normal cat and dog. But overall looks like a good suggestion.
Much as I really would like cats and wolves, they would populate the main world far faster than the horses ever will, and the main world can only take so much stress from mobs.
Not if there was a price tag of 25k, there wouldn't be so much more entity's in the main world with a price tag og 25,000 Eco.
Well, there would be breeding factors, too. I would imagine that it would be pretty laggy, and honestly quite weird, to have dogs, cats, and horses running wild all over the spawn and stuff.
Once again, if you pay 25k I don't think your going to just let it go, and breeding would be disabled just like how it will be with horses.
Bit think of how many users play ecocity, and people thatr rich could buy 40 and it wouldnt even dint their pocket. Honestly, i would prob buy multiple (not saying im rich)
25k is pocket change for anyone with a Melon Sword. They could get several pets a day - upwards of eight, if they farm the entire day. By the end of a week, they would have a giant horde of pets.
If there would be some way to limit the maximum amount of pets per person, then I'm all for this idea.
Moofin 25k to me is pocket change, I still wouldnt buy 20 pets cause there is so much more I could spend it on.
Moofink, i don't think that ohmrskittykat means 25k for the price, but as a suggestion, it can be raised If this was to be added, i would suggest that it would have to add -maximum of 1 cat/dog per person -something like 50-100k per pet -breeding/killing them disabled
Hey this is a good idea. Almost taking from Blizzard's "combat pets" idea here but you could potentially use a mod like pixelmon then code out every combat call in the code. It may be easier than that though cause I actually am not sure how pixelmon functions. I'd be down to check it out though cause this sounds awesome!
Honestly seeing how helping isn't quite rewarded in terms of eco bucks maybe make this an item which is obtainable through means of doing something nice for the server without an economy involved. There are plenty of things to buy and sell but with horses just being added this kind of thing could be rewarded as badges. Let me elaborate. People love sitting at spawn. I don't get it but it's not my place to judge, I just don't personally. People like messing about while bored or queuing for SG's so I could suggest two very solid things that I would sort of actually expect to happen with or without me saying it. 1. Ocelots of all kinds being common and not a big hassle to obtain considering the spawn lovers would probably have them out constantly and people especially the younger ones would love this idea more so if they could be traded. As much as I dislike the amount of initial world PvP eco city has to offer I also see that most people on this server would probably prefer something that adds to city life and a cat screams city life. 2. Certain colors or breeds of these Ocelots should be Rewarded without money involved or rank. Maybe for 3? seperate occasions. The first special breed given for adding/creating something seen as complete, Unique, or Useful to multiple people. Could be in the form of "Working" Pvp arenas, Markets that function like Spawn shops, Amusement Parks (That make an effort. No 2 Coaster park should be considered creative.), or things like that. This type of PVE rare pet idea actually did come from blizzard but the reason why they had them in the first place was to drive people into setting a goal which it did quite well haha. Now seeing as there is a little lack of job ops for people especially above builder that actually make decent pay this could be an opportunity for the rich to now have a goal in mind. Just one more reason to build that "masterpiece" of yours and hire a crew to do it. Just a thought Oh and Moof has a good point you should only be able to spawn one at a time. In affect there would need to be a /despawn for every /spawn