:: Pricing Suggestions :: Item/Rank/Feature: Pumpkin Data Value: 86 Current Price: $0.60 Suggested Price: $1.00 - $2.00 Brief Description: They're obtained by farming. Open Discussion: I remember back when pumpkins were worth $2 apiece. Back then, pumpkin farms were THE way to make money. I do agree that they were a bit overpriced, but I think that they've gone down a bit much. I was not on this server for a period of several months. When I got back, I discovered the drop in price, and I was a bit irritated. I wish that the price of each pumpkin could go back up at least into the range of $1.00. If there is a good reason for the decrease in price that I don't know about, I apologize for bringing this up.
With the current price most can make 15k an hour pumpkin farming with maximum conditions that is why they were decreased.
people that make $ of farming have epic tools and fly but for people that dont it sucks there should be a way to set it for ppl that have fly to have a lower price this is something for the devs
The problem is, all the rich people with big fat tools keep making it harder for those with fists and stone axes to make their buck. When andrew goes to change the prices he thinks "What does the guy with superspeed potions and eff 9000 Daxes gonna make?" Not "What will the guy with an eff 2 Daxe make walking?" Sadly...
We all wanted this to happened. But it won't. Sorry..but it's always that suggestions want prices to go UP. Why not a small drop! They're just good they way they are.
not only does this generate tons and tons of money into our economy, it causes lots of lag. high pumpkin prices = lots of pumpkin farms = lots of pumpkin harvesting = lots of growing = lots of lag.
the reason is because if you were to increase the price for those who barely make any money, the people who already make 15k+ would make even more, something we've been trying to prevent since day one. It's not possible to change the price based on the "lower" people, it would cause the economy to collapse completely. The only solution is, work hard and get those big fat tools just like those who have the big fat tools did. (Aside from some, but most worked really hard for it)
Yes...i know this...but it's really annoying for the poor people...although like you said, not possible to change it unless you want the rich to get really rich. I never understood how in all the world you could get more then 10k farming pumpkins. Then i tested my Eff V Daxe, and almost choked. It was a HUUUGE difference. Pumpkins are kinda stuck at 60 cents a piece for the moment...
Sadly, this has less than a 1% chance of happening. I tried to raise pumpkins price by 5 to 15 cents due to a change in the stacking system. Andrewkm replied to my suggestion with a "Wont happen" and a lock, even though kuke made 2k less per hour because of it. The reason I pushed this is because the beginning ECC'er needs a way to get money that is not affected by fly or donations, or 300k. I had it when I started ECC (melons), now I don't. Anyways, this is frustrating me: 75% of ECC that can make 8k an hour tops, while the other 25% (inculuding andrew, kuke, and wewin) make 15k an hour with the magic "fly". Another unfairness is that I can only play 1 hour a day, while others play anywhere from 4-12 hours. Anyhow, just my thoughts.
What I mean is that because things have changed after they became rich and had after they had fly and such things, they don't know what it's like.
The prices are decided by Kuke and tested by using whats best not that there is a middle then the people with fly would be making way to much.
For people that don't remember pumpkins as $2 a piece, that was even fine, now I make 20k at most farming with 2 eff Vs, if this was 1.2.5 terms, you can make triple, if you have a eff V axe back then, that'll be worth 100k+, .60 is fine for the amount of users with fly,eff v axes, est.
I suck at making money, I rarely farm and I spend it all on the lottery straight after, I'm nowhere near rich nor will I ever be rich for longer than 1 day. I don't actually decide the prices, I simply give andrew the numbers and some suggestions. The people that don't should work harder/more to get the same advantages, it's not something that just happens, most people worked really hard to get to that point, the hard workers are rewarded with more money, that's how it is and that's how it always will be. In short, work harder and get the same advantages as the "rich" people.
Sorry, kuke. What I meant was that you either need to get rich or donate for fly. My apologies for suggesting everyone who has fly is rich.