Okay guys, so some of you may or may not know about the "MCspotlights" youtube channel. If you don't; http://www.youtube.com/user/mcspotlights?feature=watch Apparently the person who is running this is accepting videos which are 15 seconds in length, as I remember. I think that some sort of contest should be made to choose the best 15 second ECC video, or videos, and then one or more be sent to this MCspotlights. This will likely gather up A LOT of new members, seeing as the channel's videos are always posted in the news of minecraftforum.net. What do you think?
we need V This V but then the ecocitycraft version of it. Spoiler [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtespeLin2c[/youtube]
Yea, this is Curse's official MC spotlight channel, so it would be pretty cool if we could get a 15 second video of the server onto the intro for a week. The last server to be spotlighted is now full 99% of the time because of that spotlight, so it would definitely bring many new users to the server.
Well the server is already almost always close to max players. If you add this increase of players just stopping in to look around and not stay the sever will be filled and blocked to us regulars who can't/haven't donated. Can't believe I’m arguing against publicity, but just my two cents.