Minecraft Name: JamieSinn Suggestion: Fix the rank system in ventrilo, from being just a different name to being full ranks Reason: As someone who has been staff, i know how the staff ventrilo system works, and i see also how it could be improved. As a certain developer has set up, there is a rank system available in ventrilo. Albeit it is hard to set up as each group needs a full permissions setup. But it would improve the look, ease and professionalism of it. Basically all that would happen is this instead of this: XXXXX[mod] it would be this [Moderator]XXXXX, the entire system just requires a tag, description, and permissions, this means that it could solve the issue of ventrilo channel passwords, where only a specific group is allowed to access a certain list of channels, and even make it so that no one can talk in the music channels except for a certain rank(bots) It fixes so many issues, the real question is why not? Other Information: There are tons of tutorials on how to do this, i wanted to make sure my idea was valid so i actually checked a few out. Link to this plugin: N/A already have it
You can add ranks, but permission wise nothing much will change. the only advantage this has is that we don't have to delete and create accounts for staffmembers, but that's about it.