Project EXPO - The Community Space of The Future. Built in ECC's very first FUTURISTIC 'ECO' CITY, project EXPO will consist of a colossal modern-style exhibition centre, located within a beautifully crafted utopian landscape. Like nothing seen before on our server, the ECC EXPO Centre will be a place for all server users to show off their own work, hosting a variety of exhibitions and events throughout the entire year. From pixel art galleries to museums filled with our very own server history, we want this space to be a cultural centre for our server, and a place that we can show off the wonderful community that we are so proud of. Here's a quick tour of the complex so far! Central EXPO Plaza: We start our journey in the Central EXPO Plaza - the entrance to the whole EXPO complex. You can see the World Festival sign already up and ready. EXPO Central Hall The Central Hall is EXPO's main exhibition area. This area will completely change from event to event. the interior of EXPO hall. EXPO East: 'The Natural World': EXPO East contains 'The Natural World' exhibition. This includes a number of specially designed 'biodomes', each transporting you to another corner of the world. From scorching mesas to arctic wonderlands, you won't have to go far to see all that our natural world has to offer. the mesa biodome EXPO Animal Sanctuary As part of the natural World Exhibition we have a specially designed animal sanctuary, which will be filled with animals from all over the world. Already we have enclosures for wolves, sheep and rabbits, with many more animals just waiting to go in! EXPO West - The Evolution of Man EXPO West includes our 'Evolution of Man' exhibition. The newest zone that construction has started on, this area will be dominated by a huge museum complex filled with treasures from the server's past and present. Special Exhibition Gallery The Special Exhibition Gallery Current Exhibit: Founders of The Zodiac Memorial Gardens The Memorial Gardens is a wonderful, tranquil corner of the EXPO complex dedicated to remembering all those who made this project a reality. Within the gardens can be found landmarks such as the 'Donor Memorial', 'Founders Gateway' and memorials to the two fallen colonies of 'Caprica' and 'Leonis'. Canceron SpacePort What exhibition would be complete without first class transport to get you there? The Canceron Spaceport will be a gateway from EXPO to the rest of the ecoworld. Whilst the front sections of the spaceport are currently completed, we intend to create a giant terminal complex expansion, complete with gates and border control. Work on the EXPO Centre and the surrounding area is well underway, and already it is looking amazing! Whilst we hope that the area will have a /warp soon, you can already visit the town by typing /warp colonial_1, and taking the canceron portal (green flag on left side) within our portal room. Now here comes the part that you were waiting for... Because of the size and materials needed for creating a project such as this, we are asking for ANY donations that people would be willing to put forward. With a structure comprised primarily of quartz, it won't be a cheap project to complete, however we believe that this is something that will benefit the community as a whole, and the more collective that the effort to complete this projects is, the more special it will be! DONATIONS NEEDED: QUARTZ! (and lots of it) Additional towns Any monetary donations (that will all go towards materials/towns/warps) Ideas for future exhibitions (never too early to pitch these ideas!) Clearers (we have a lot of land that needs to be cleared before the main museum complex can be built. Any help with this would be VERY appreciated!) If you would be interested in donating any of the above to this amazing project, then please contact myself @outerlocal or @Joliver. All donators shall be memorialised within the final structure, making sure that your part in making this dream a reality is remembered throughout the ages. CURRENT DONORS/CONTRIBUTERS @oxwood2 @TheFifthElement @BuildsByGideon @spaenjj @MadMonster_ @Canadian_Apple @29dude @runboy398 @JackOLanternBob @LSGDoc @maroiogog @jakobscorpio @OlympiansAreGods @EMD3000 @Kasert We believe that the ECC EXPO Centre will be a project that brings our community together. Please help make this project a reality
So this is why you wanted all that quartz off me... I will check it out the next time I am on Good luck with it!
Thank you to all those who have donated so far! Already made a lot of progress on the front section of the expo centre! Here's a little update
Had a super productive night - central plaza FINISHED & a lot of work done on the main EXPO building Thank you to our latest donors @spaenjj and @MadMonster_ !
Hi everybody! The central EXPO building is nearly finished, but we're in desperate need of more quartz! If you have ANY spare laying around then please donate! Remember that any donors are memorialised in our donor statue onsite. We have some really great plans for this place (some of which I will announce soon) so please help us make it a reality
This is a wicked idea!! I might be able to salvage some quartz for y'all. Also, if you ever need help building, just let me know
I will start a convo with you about the mic - thanks again Thank you! We're almost done with the main building now but this is just the beginning of a whole complex we are working on, so I'm sure that they'll be need for a helping hand with building in the near future
could i help with project EXPO I can donate some quartz ,also i have a tone off glass panes tell me if you need them
I could donate some quartz! And when the nether resets I'm sure I could donate even more! *On vacation now though, I'll donate when I get home*