Minecraft Username: pex666 Brief Description: Trying to enchant a bow with a book. Book is UNBIII, it looks like it works, i get a bow with unbIII (and other ench) but then after 1-2 secs it throws it to the ground. The bow is: Inf 1, Power V, Flame 1 Instructions: How many times did you recreate this bug?: >7 times, each time my XP disappears (until i "update") . I tried with 20 lvls of xp too. Result: Same Expected Result: Evidence:
Combine the book with a reg bow and then combine the unb3 bow with the other bow. Should work that way.
Yes it seems unb3 books doesnt work on anything!??! It have to be a MC problem? What has bukkit to do with it?
I tried that now, a fresh unenchanted dpick then add unb3 to it. Didnt work either! After 10 secs it throws the pick + book to the floor. I tried it in SP and it worked fine. I still dont see what bukkit have to do with it, but since it works in SP... I want to report this somewhere if ECC cant do anything about it. But where? Bukkit?
ye you need to post it on bukkit forms if it isnt already fixed and bukkit is the server jar so if they make a mistake it can be crtical for servers and plugins