After yesterdays restart of Mining World something odd happened to my player. I'm stuck in a wide rectangular area surrounded by high walls and commands like /home and /wild land is ineffectual. It looks like a gigantic prison. What to do?
Hello snurrbo, From what it sounds like, you are stuck in the pvp world, and the only way to get unstuck from it is to have a staff member teleport you back to one of the main worlds. You need to be online for this to happen, so when you are online, do "/list" to get the list of users on the server. At the bottom of the list, the staff members of the server are under the ranks of; Moderator, Supermod, and Game Admin, and they will have either a red or blue name. Once you find a staff member, do "/msg theirname" and explain the situation of how you are stuck, and that you need to be teleported back to rising spawn. The staff member will do a few checks to make sure you are stuck, and they will either take you to spawn, or explain how to get out.