Minecraft Username: D0rc Brief Description: It seems that when I'm online, typing "/tell ", just like that with two spaces, will go into private chat with me. This causes a lot of people to accidentally type /tell [insert username/text here] and message me on accident, which becomes quite annoying after a while. Instructions: Type "/tell " when I'm online, it will go into a private chat with me. Works with /msg too. According to Delitad, typing it when I'm not online doesn't private chat anyone. How many times did you recreate this bug?: 3 out of 3 times. Result: Private chatting with me. Expected Result: Not private chatting anyone. Evidence: Additional Information: I have been getting random PM's from random users all day, and it's getting kind of annoying. I hope this is something that can be fixed. (Not to mention whatever kind of other internal problems there could be when my username is online - who knows what could be wrong there.) Edit: It seems that the forum doesn't allow me to show two spaces together >.> Just remember that the problem is doing it with two spaces, not one.
I am fairly sure i know why. I am thinking that when you type two spaces it guesses in alphabetical order, so that whenever camcliff or other a-c names are not it auto pmes you. Not 100% sure though. If this is the case, i would assume there is a way to block they guess feature, but at the same time, i doubt it will be blocked due to its convienence. However, i am not 100% sure asi said. Dwite is also an early alphabet name... theory support!
That doesn't explain however why it Private messages nobody when I'm not online. lol. Wait, it's happened to you? Mine me asking when? Or do you mean you accidentally type it with two spaces a lot? lol.
Yes it has. It happens to me about once or twice a week mostly early in the morning when there are not many users online. Haha im not sure if i accidentally do it but i don't think so haha.
There are people of almost every rank with a username that starts with a letter before d online right now - still messages me. xD
You are a noob, bro... You have a 0. A user who starts with "da" or any "d-another letter" will not get messaged, because 0 comes before the alphabet. >_>
It's double space, not /tell d. lol. If /tell with two spaces should message anyone, it should be someone who has a name that starts with numbers or a or b... You know, not someone who starts with a d. :| Instead, it only messages me, when it should message nobody. I thought about this before posting, I didn't get anything mixed up - I know numbers come first, but the first letter of my name isn't a number - therefore, it shouldn't go to me if it should go alphabetically. We went over this already. :|
xD But no really - this is a common thing to accidentally do. I get a PM less than every half an hour on the on peak. It doesn't seem like much, but it still would be a pain to have someone accidentally PM me if they happen to be saying certain things.
obviously, the pm gods wish to please. however,t hey have become out-of-touch with humanity and do not realize it is actually annoying.