:: Pricing Suggestions :: Item/Rank/Feature: WOOLSHOP: Wool/Clay/Colored Wool/Colored Clay/Dyes Name of item/rank/feature that you wish to discuss about. Wool/Clayblock/Dyes Data Value: Data value of the item. ClayBlock: 82 (Damage Values Range from 1 to 15.) WoolBlock: 35 (Damage Values Range from 1 to 15.) Dyes: 351 (Damage Values Range from 1 to 15.) Current Price: (Server Store) ClayBlocks: $200 for 64 $2000 for 1000 Wool: $200 for 64 $2000 for 1000 Dyes: $32 for 64 (red/Yellow) $64 for 64 (Brown) $128 for 64 (orange) $192 for 64 (White) $256 for 64 (Pink) $320 for 64 (Lightblue, LimeGreen, Green, Cyan, Magenta, Purple, LightGrey DarkGrey, Black) $2560 x 64 for (Blue) Suggested Price: Suggested pricing for the item. $64 for 64 Wool/Clayblock (Any Color) $1000 for 1000 Wool/Clayblock (Any Color) Dyes: $256 for Red/Yellow/Brown/Orange/White/Pink/Lightblue/LimeGreen/Green/Cyan/Magenta/Purple/LightGrey/DarkGrey/Black. (Blue Shouldn't be purchasable). Brief Description: A brief description of how this item/rank/feature is obtained. Wool: Obtainable from Sheering Sheep Colored Wool: Obtained from combining Regular Wool with a Dye HardenedClay: Forge a Clayblock than put Clayblock in Furnance and cook it Creating Hardened Clay. Colored HardenedClay: Obtained from combining regular Clayblock with a Dye Dyes: LightGrey: 2x Bonemeal + Inksack OR GreyDye + BoneMeal DarkGrey: Bonemeal + Inksack Black: Inksack (Killing Squid Monster) Red: Rose (Flower) Orange: Red Dye + Yellow Dye Yellow: Dandilion (Flower) LimeGreen: CactusGreen Dye + BoneMeal CactusGreen: Cook Cactus in Furnance Cyan: CactusGreen Dye + Blue Dye LightBlue: Blue Dye + BoneMeal Purple: Blue Dye + Red Dye Magenta: Purple Dye + Pink Dye OR 2x RedDye + Blue Dye + BoneMeal OR Pink Dye + Blue Dye + Red Dye Pink: Red dye + Bonemeal Brown: Cocoa Beans (Growing Cocoa Beans on a Jungle Tree) (Findable Via Jungle Biome) White: Killing Skeleton and Turning The "Bones" into Bonemeal Open Discussion: Present your case as to why this item/rank/feature would need to face nerfs or buffs. Ok I have Two major Issues here, both are differen't. Firstly The prices are messed up... x64 Costs 200 whereas the x1000 costs $2000. Prices need to be fixed there. Secondly The prices are insanely High for two reasons: A. The Block is Decorative ONLY B. The Blocks are insanely hard to obtain being you wont let us make farms and Butcher kills everything. C. The Value of Wool is only 30c. So returning the price of wool back to old woolshop (back at $1 per wool) is appropriate. (If its not broken... Why try Fix It?) D. If Hardened Clay drops to Price of Wool The Entire place will be a universal price instead of trying to match make the prices. This however means a price nerf on all Clay based items sold to server and Clay by itself would need to be dropped in price.
Your first issue says: "The prices are messed up... x64 Costs 200 whereas the x1000 costs $2000. Prices need to be fixed there." Maybe the idea is that buying in bulk can save you some money? And, I do agree that prices should be lowered but this may encourage user-user wool/clay sales instead of server-user trades? Thus leading to an increase in wool farming. (If anyone actually does that.) And more money circulating in the economy instead of going to a sign made by andrewkm!
I must say I agree. I quite liked the original pricing and do wish they would return to their previous pricing. Revanrose6
I had a thought that you were going to be bothered by this wolvie. It basically brings your wool pricing up to 50k It was my thought that Andrew could sell an entire inventory of wool (somewhere over 2,000 pieces) for the regular price. But then that would cost the same as buying 1k pieces for 2k. Perhaps Andrew could sell them for 1.5 dollars a piece or something...